SKAPS has a variety of solutions for your product packaging needs, SKAPS netting is available in a rainbow of colors to help meet your packaging needs. SKAPS netting conforms to the product being packaged and is temperature resistant. The open mesh design of SKAPS netting promotes air circulation, reduces condensation and eliminates fogging associated with polyethylene bags. The resulting package is visually attractive, easy to handle, and an economically viable solution for your packaging needs.
1. Extruded Flat Netting
SKAPS manufactures extruded flat netting which is used to make vertical bags that can stand upright and provide a better product appearance along with a high graphic label on the package. These bags can also have a punched finger in the header or a carry handle. Our extruded flat netting is an excellent replacement for knitted netting and CLAF material. It comes in a variety of widths, lengths, and colors and is available in roll stock. This netting is used on a variety of Jasa, Affeldt, CPack, Daumar, and Sorma packaging machines.

2. Extruded & Oriented Tubular Netting
SKAPS manufactures extruded & oriented tubular nettings for a variety of packaging applications. This netting can be broadly classified into three grades lightweight packaging nets, construction netting, and meat & poultry netting.

2.1 Light Weight Netting
This grade of netting is used for fully automated and semi-automated machines to package products such as onions, citrus, clementine, flower bulbs, toys, and chocolates to name a few items. Our netting is available in roll stock in various lengths, widths, and as well as different mesh configuration sizes. The mesh configurations that we typically offer are minimized, open mesh, three-strand, and four-strand. It can be used for full bags that are heat-sealed or clipped and for a variety of other packaging needs. Our netting can be used to make header bags, with communication labels or standard header labels, which offer excellent product visibility and promote shelf awareness. It can also be used on a fully automated header bag machine that makes, fills, and closes the header bag automatically. This netting is widely used on CPack, Affeldt, and Daumar clipper machines to make the 2lb, 3lb, 5lbs packages.

2.2 Construction Netting
SKAPS manufactures an extruded & oriented tubular heavy-duty netting that is used in the construction industry as a part of an aggregate pipe system for use in the septic leach field and drainage systems. This superior-quality netting ensures maximum system life and performance. It is offered in various widths, lengths, and colors and comes in roll stock.

2.3 Meat & Poultry Netting
SKAPS manufactures an open mesh extruded & oriented tubular netting which is used in the food industries for packaging turkey, ham, and other meat products. This netting is made from superior polyethylene material and comes in a variety of widths, lengths, and colors. This netting also comes in roll stock.